Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Break Part I

Well, Fall Break isn't starting out so great...due to the computer problems at work Brandon has been on call since Sunday and actually had to go into the office Sunday afternoon and even today. I was really hoping that he would be able to get home after just going in for a few hours today, but it's not looking like it. Thankfully we didn't have anything planned for today, or I really wouldn't have been a happy camper. So, today has been breakfast for Cam and I, and now he is playing NFL 2011 on his Xbox. Not sure what we will do today, maybe ride bikes around the neighborhood, or go walking around Chester Frost. I do know what Chris is doing today....he is in the Bahamas! His cruise ported there this morning at 8AM, they will be going to spend the day at Atlantis. I am so excited for him, but miss him a lot too!

I need to get my day started, who know, it may involve folding some laundry, so don't be too jealous! :)