Monday, June 21, 2010

The Belly Fat Cure

Well, though I have only been on this eating plan for a month, I have already lost 6 lbs! Yay! Since March though, I have lost 12 lbs! I am really motivated to eat right, and get this weight off! I am not ready yet to put out there what I weigh.... maybe one day. I read a lot of people's blogs who follow the BFC, and I notice I am not loosing as quickly as they are. I have came to the conclusion that it is because I only have 20 more pounds to loose to hit my goal weight.

Over the last week, and especially the weekend, it was a huge challenge to eat right, and I gave in a lot.... I was on vacation last week and we had 2 Father's Day lunches, that I gave in and ate. I have gotten back on track today, and will be incorporating exercise into my plan tomorrow... we shall see how that goes....

I am finding there is temptation at every corner, and you choose how you let it affect you. Today at work, we had ice cream to celebrate something, and typically I am all over the ice cream.... But, today, I refrained and went back to my desk and had a handful of almonds!