Friday, November 11, 2011

Trying something new!

Well I just downloaded a new blogger app, now I can blog from my phone with ease....scary!! I have been sick all week. I missed work on Tuesday due to me running a fever. Well now it's time to finish watching GH and go to bed.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Break Part I

Well, Fall Break isn't starting out so great...due to the computer problems at work Brandon has been on call since Sunday and actually had to go into the office Sunday afternoon and even today. I was really hoping that he would be able to get home after just going in for a few hours today, but it's not looking like it. Thankfully we didn't have anything planned for today, or I really wouldn't have been a happy camper. So, today has been breakfast for Cam and I, and now he is playing NFL 2011 on his Xbox. Not sure what we will do today, maybe ride bikes around the neighborhood, or go walking around Chester Frost. I do know what Chris is doing today....he is in the Bahamas! His cruise ported there this morning at 8AM, they will be going to spend the day at Atlantis. I am so excited for him, but miss him a lot too!

I need to get my day started, who know, it may involve folding some laundry, so don't be too jealous! :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Are you a Stepmother???

The toughest challenge I have ever faced was that of becoming a Stepmother. Some would think cool, you get to be an "Aunt" like figure to two cool kids, but that's not the case, especially in my situation. We have 50/50 custody of my two stepsons, which means I see them just as much as their mother does, but get left out of 50% of the decision making that affects my life too. Being a stepmom is not horrible by no means, the boys look at me as a "mother" figure, but still seem to struggle with what I am supposed to mean to them (even after almost 6yrs).

When reading a few blogs I follow, I ran across someone who posted this poem, and after reading it, it hit me, "This is ME!" I thought this was so good, I decided to copy it into my blog to share.

What is a stepmother?
--Author Unknown

A step below or a step above?

Someone for you to (sometimes) love?

Someone to share your laughter and tears?

Or do you grow quiet when she comes near?


What is a stepmother?

A step above or a step below?

Someone to teach you and help you to grow?

Is she a mystery to you, or someone you know?

Are you true with your feelings, or are they for show?


I'm a stepmother, so let me define

What a stepmother is, at least in my mind

A stepmother cares for her family and home

And loves her step kids like they were her own

She fixes their meals, treats a cold, ties a shoe

Anything that a kid's real mom would do


A stepmother consoles you when you feel sad

And hands out a punishment if you are bad

She'll tuck you in bed and read you a story

And yet, it's the real mom that gets all the glory


A stepmother hides the tears that she cries

When mother's day comes and then just slips by

With no card, and no hug, though she really feels sad

She won't let you see it, won't let you feel bad


She feels like an outsider but tries to fit in

If you're playing a game with her, she'll let you win

She makes sure your birthday is one special day

And when hers is forgotten, she'll just look away


When your teen years come, life gets much tougher

With a stepmother these years, for her, are much rougher

You may say or do something that injures her feelings

Please keep in mind that she hurts while she's healing


Your stepmother has done the best she could do

And no matter your age, she'll always love you

For her birthday, the best present to get her

Is the most precious of all, that you didn't forget her

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Almost a Year

Wow, I just realized it has been almost a year since I posted anything on this blog of mine...maybe if I got some more followers, I would write more. Or, if I got more followers I would write less due to the pressure....either way, I need to blog more.

Not a lot has been going on, thank goodness!! Well, I take that back, not a lot has been going on in my life, but there is a lot going on in other people's lives that affect my life. I am really seeing how like is a roller coaster, and right now I am coasting....

I do have a new job...I am now a Service Consultant. I used to think describing my job before was hard, now it is even harder. I am still not sure what I want to ultimately be when I grow up, but I am hoping the Lord puts his guidance into this new venture.

Well, I hear a lot of "Ouch," "Stop it," so with two boys and two dogs you never know what is going on, I better cut this short. :)